The following ethics statement is based on the Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Duties of Editors:

Editors must assure the quality of the published material. Editors must base their decisions regarding the acceptance or rejection of paper for publication entirely on the relevance, originality, readability, and importance of the paper. They must make sure that the published material follows the standards of internationally accepted ethical guidelines. Furthermore editors must ensure that the submitted material is confidential during the reviewing process. They should publish a regularly updated guidance for authors and reviewers on what is expected of them. Editors should also readily respond to complaints and be willing to publish corrections when required. In case of a misconduct, the editors should make efforts to promptly perform appropriate investigations and rectify the situation.

Duties of Authors:

Authors must in a clear and accurate way present their research work with sufficient amount of details needed for eventual recalculation or repetition of presented calculations or experiments by others. They must ensure the originality of their work and objectively discuss its importance. Authors must ensure that the essence of their research is not submitted to more than one journal and appropriately acknowledge the inclusion of their or co-author's previous works as well as all other sources of data used in the paper. They must provide citations of all research work that has influenced the research they are presenting. They must mention all sources of financial support related to the presented research. Should authors reveal any errors or inaccuracies in their submitted paper, they must promptly inform the editor.

Duties of Reviewers:

Reviewers must ensure that all submitted manuscripts are treated with high confidentiality. No private information or ideas regarding the submitted manuscript can be used or given to publicity. Reviewers must ensure full objectivity while reviewing the submitted manuscripts. They should present their views and arguments in a clear way so that the author can effectively utilize them to improve the manuscript. Reviewers must ensure that authors have acknowledged all sources of data used in the presented research. Reviewers should not accept the manuscript for a review should they feel unqualified to review the research presented in the submitted manuscript or unable to provide a prompt review. Reviewers must not consider submitted manuscripts for a review should they have any conflict of interest with the presented research, authors, or institutions.

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